St. Ann holds a prominent place among the saints of the Old Testament. She was chosen among the women of the whole world to be the Mother of the most blessed Virgin Mary and the grand mother of the Incarnate word. Her virtues and her holiness have raised her to the veneration of her life. The Holy Scripture keeps a mysterious silence over her life. The Roman Meenologium remembers her on the 26th of July.

St. Ann descended from the royal family of king David. She was brought up in the fear of the Lord, and served him joyfully. On coming of age, she was married to Joachim, a man of the tribe of Judah."Godliness"writes St. John Damascene, "Was the soul of their home; love, the tie oftheir hearts; devotion their rest; and diligence their order and help."Their mutual life was edifying. Their property was spent for God andthe poor,and on the members of their household. aSt. Ann is the patron of various professions of life. She is especially honoured and implored as the patron of Christian mothers, to obtain through her, the blessings of God, on the up bringing and education of their children.

Hospices and Homes for the working girls and factory girls are very often put under the special protection of St. Ann. Because of her generosity, she is looked upon as the defender of the poor and helper in need, especially poor widows.

Christian art usually represents her as a venerable mother teaching holy scripture to the child Mary or instructing her in prayer. Such is also the way she is represented on the medal worn by the Sisters of the society of St. Ann.

Even her name, "Ann" signifies "grace and love", and typifies her sublime destiny. St. Ann is the great model of all in the married state and of those otherwise charged with the education of children.

A Sublime was her office in instructing this blessed child in virtue and holiness. St. Ann obtains many graces, priceless graces for all who venerate her.

St. Ann herself was a "vessel of grace", not in name alone, but in the possession, of those gifts with which God had endowed her to be the worthy Mother of the Virgin Mary.

Various devotions may be practiced on . It will greatly please St. Ann if on this day we assist at Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion in her honour and offer it to God in thanksgiving for .the prerogatives bestowed upon her.

There is also another simple way by which we may show our veneration for St. Ann. We are told that she was very charitable and gave alms freely. It will give her great joy if we give alms in her honour on Tuesdays.